Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why Place Matters

After reading " Why Place Matters: Building The Movement For Healthier Communities", I was once again very informed and enlightened of the social and economic change taking place in our country. It's a great feeling to know that there are people in our country who do legitimately care about the betterment of lower income families and communities. Probably the most inspiring part of the article to me was reading about the leadership and economic development in Fresno, California. To me, this is where we will truly see the most significant change in the health and social well-being of our country's economy. People need to be be properly educated and trained so that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to better themselves and the people around them, it's contagious. If you travel to a urban neighborhood with section 8 housing, you'll often times see or hear of drug sales, gang violence, and unemployment. Why? Because alot of these people don't any other way to survive. Hustling is a necessity for young black males in an impoverished neighborhood. It's a good thing to see government programs taking action and training these neglected people to empower them and help them change.

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